This time I got tagged by Princess Eileen who claims as my No. 1 die hard fan in blogsphere, I really so touched and have to give her face kaw kaw lor, furthermore she said this tag can let me 'lepas geram' (release anger) in Dubai so I just do it la, I really need to 'lepas geram' now...
8 things/questions I dislike people asking/saying:
1. "When you want to get a gf then get married?"
This one really is my least favorite question during Chinese New Year, all my relatives will ask me that. Come on... If you so concern about it why not just intro one for me? I got no time to look for it now. Now my parents also started pressure me that. Friends also... many always asked me this question, why not you all just intro me one or volunteer to be mine (only for gal)?
2. "How many kids you have?"
This question really can make me hit wall to the max. Eh... I know I got white hair doesn't mean I'm old ok? I still single and how can I have kids? I know I look like an uncle lah, but can you ask me in other matters?
3. "I eat salt more than you eat rice, don't follow too much from book, I know what to do"
This one always met with it when I deal with old folks in construction field. I know they got more experience than me, but now days everything follow ISO procedure, every design cannot count by 'assuming or prediction', everything must have prove in calculation and simulation then certified by licensed engineer. When they just follow what they wanted without following the design, I'll get into trouble if anything wrong happen. I really want to reply them 'I eat burger more than you eat rice la!'... But I do respect them and never reply them with it, just tell them nicely it's a procedure, if not I won't approve it.
4. "Error: Unable to login into server/server not responding"
This error message always happen on my internet connection by eB/REDtone, you all should seen I ranted it out many times before. Sometimes I really feel want to bomb their main office off.
5. "Go get a prostitute/piaomei..."
Hello!!! Am I look desperate? I can settle myself ok? I tell you I got so many chances to get FOC on it in the past but I rejected all. You can say I'm stupid but I just being myself. No feeling I really can't go for it no matter how pretty or sexy they are. Many guys enjoy to go for drink in places got piaomeis, I don't enjoy at all, I only enjoy to drink in places with ONLY rock live bands.
6. "You are hot/handsome"
Come on! I know your are telling lies! I'm not at all! To me is kind of insult, don't believe? Come and see me, you'll sure vomit.
7. "Are you gay?"
Hell... Am I look like one of them? I just got more guy friends than gal friends, I just mixing more to guys than gals, I just shy and very kayu when I face with gals (unless those I know well), it doesn't mean I'm gay ok? I definitely anti gay to the max! Sorry to all gays, no matter gays or lesbians also human, you got your right to go on with your live, I just not into this category, no offense ok?.
8. "Rock music is devil, evil, satan, drugs, alcohol, black magic, wild sex..."
Come on... if music can be related into this, what about other types of music play on MTV now days? All showing about sex, gangstalism, materialistic... No offense to all type music lovers above, I just telling what I see. I don't really critics on other type of musics that I don't listen to, I just love rock musics especially classic rock. It's just a music, I just listen and enjoy it, no body ask you to follow their living style, why don't you have your own personality? I don't even look like a rocker from head to toe, but I do love rock musics very much!
I'm done... I feel much relief now...
Alright... time for me to tag someone...
1. No Body
2. No One
3. None
4. Nil
5. No
huar... sounds so angry indeed..gerori~
Biasa laaa...
Those kaypo people just like to use your sorrow to build their happiness nya.
(You know what I mean hor?)
8. "Rock music is devil, evil, satan, drugs, alcohol, black magic, wild sex..."
ppl who say that are DEVIL, EVIL, SATAN, and FREAK! hahah hate it when ppl condemn for no reason! same lah like ppl say tattoo = those stuffs!
5. "Go get a prostitute/piaomei..."
ppl actually ask u to do that@?!??!?!?!!
haha... u also use the tag title as - an angry tag ar? I created it myself... And yours definitely sounds much more angrier than mine ler.
Thanks for the introduction on your tag. Wakakaka... Now I have to read your blog first lor, else later I got scrap of the title you given me :P Later I give you tags until you disowned me :P
Your tag makes me laugh, even tot it suppose to be an angry tag lor.... Luckily no one ask me whether I have kids... but I realised ppl changed from whether "Do you have a bf?" becomes to "Are you married?". Hmmm... is that a sign!??!?!
Someone told you that you are hot/handsome? Wakakakkaa..... no offense.... but funny lar... wait, gal or guy say one? :P Makes a lot of differences :P
I really think ppl who says bad things about your rock music preferences is rather shallow. Come on, everyone have their preferences and we should respect them. Actually, I start to listen to some rock music liao. Softer ones, not the "fing tao" type yet :P
Kenny the rocker rockz~ Live your life and be your true self. Did the angry tag help? :P
fuah lao kenny... cool down brudder!! no need so "mang foh" 1... i teach u 1 way to release off ur steam... go pick up an electric guitar and errr.. JAM LIKE NO MAH DER BUSINESS!!! hehehehe...
LOL... your answers very funny for 1 and 2. It is also my least favorite question! Yeahh, better go intro one if really concern hahaha...
I think a rocker-gal will suit you alright. Then you guys can jam day and night, set up own studio at home... wah... bring the house down!
1. When u want to get a gf n married? Just tell them soon lar after u choose the correct one. Hey! It's a life time partner leh. Don't play play..............
2. Kids? Tell them u have a few. Last time when I were not married I do go to the orphanage. So, I have 30 over kids. They are mine kids. So, sekarang lu ada kids liau kah?
5. Prostitude/ Piaomei ....... you don't look that desperate lar. I think you have ur gitar is much better than the pros/piaomei, rite?
6. You are hot/handsome. Must admit yes you are and thank them for the compliment. Got made you so special and you must give face to your mama also mah. You must be proud of yourself. When ppl tell me that, I straight away tell them Thank You.
8. Rock music is satan and evil and bla bla bla. Nonsense lar. It's a kind of music mah. Last time ppl always tell me but I tell them, don't like hor then mah don't buy or don't listen lar. No one force you rite?
Sorry lar....... life have been so busy lately and did not manage to place some comments. But this one is so interesting so just quickly write some comments. Hope you are having good time there.
I say man Kenny - you really sound very angry and pissed off. Glad you managed to blow off some steam here. Btw, your looks are much better than a lot of guys I've met. Honest!!
wah.. who so siao and gila? asking u to get a prostitute or piaomei?
liked what u said! way to go Kenny!!!! the questions will not stop once u get married oso will be when baby coming? then when they visit u with the new bb, when 2nd bb coming?? NMFL!
eh when u kambing bek to sing Jacky songs with me leh???
Nowadays when people ask me stupid question ... I answer with stupider questions ... example ...
"Eh ... young man, when you get married ah ?"
"Old fart, is your daughter still available ?"
Yah... very
[nonnie king]
Hmmm... maybe.
Haha.. U also agree leh? Music is just an art, very subjective. Yah... many want to taught me or invite me to find pros or piaomei before.
[princess eileen]
Haha... U asked me to write something anger ma, so I just write it lor. U always say my blog so keng ma, so have to push u up lah, fair enough? :P
My anger makes u laugh? Alamak, apa ni? Yah, the question sometimes really make us feel old, really frust right?
Got guys n gals said I'm hot or whatever la... any different? To me no diff, all telling lies, U should know it right?
Good that u also agree about the music, now u listen to soft rock? Aiseh... Mau join my club ah? LOL.
Thanks for the tag, really lepas all my geram already.
Too bad I got no guitar in Dubai la... that's why no place for me to release it lor... u want sponsor me 1 here ah? :P
Long time no see u here, how r u? I think 1 & 2 are the most being questioned everywhere, U also the same? Welcome to the club.
Rocker gal? Haha... cannot say so, most important is someone u got chemistry and fate, that's what I think.
I did told them like that many times la... all also so stubborn still asking it repeatly.
Kids I can tell I got 3! My guitars lor... haha
U really understand me well... thank you very much.
This one I really cannot admit it, I just feel I don't deserved it, my mom also said I look kayu la... LOL
Great you have same common with me about music.
No worry... I also busy, as long you dun forget me here I already kam tong till cry, I really appreciate with the award you given to me :)
[anak merdeka]
Haha... that's only way can blow out my steam. Aiyah, you just saw my pics before but you never seen me in real, I really look different from pics la.
Yah, you know la especially in my field, pros & piaomei are their favorite all the time. They always think all men are same, I'm not, I'm an alien.
U also kena till u pissed off right? You are not alone lor... LOL
Sing Jacky Cheung songs? Ok, wait I come back kao tim my things before I come back Dubai for full time, let's go sing song till blood come out!
[moz monster]
I will never answer like this, I will just smile and keep quiet. Thanks.
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