The Question:
Do anyone know which country invented IT (Information Technology) in this world? I guess most of you will think it's from western countries. No! It wasn't. It was from...
Do anyone know which country invented IT (Information Technology) in this world? I guess most of you will think it's from western countries. No! It wasn't. It was from...
i never knew that....
bravo bravo!!!
So how do I google that?
i heard b4 another joke regarding the dot oso..cant remember
*kenny blows cold wind* Uik! So cold one! *wears sweater*
Hahahaha.... I not going to say this joke in my company. 90% of our top levels are indians from India... I still need my job...
DOT COM on the fore head?ahahaah...
Lame.... cold joke. Hahahaha. I still prefer my dirty joke. Hahaha.
Woah! that wan is red kaler mia dot com!!! wakakaka
omg...i'm feeling the coldness around me..lolz...last time i heard was infrared,now become dotcom pulak..omg...haha
okay... but but but it only explains the 'dot'... what abt the 'com'???
i cant stop laughing!!!
Thanks bro!
LOL. I heard another version is that India is the 1st to invent InfraRed because the red dot in their forehead is meant for Infrared coommunications. :)
[pisang goreng]
So now u know?
tq tq...
[simple american]
Errr.... I also no idea... hahaha
Haha... another classic joke huh?
Huh? I didn't sing la... how come got cold wind? LOL
[princess eileen]
I joke with my Indian housemate leh... he laugh like crazy somemore... haha
Yah... haha
Your dirty joke still the killer! Hahahaha
Red mean hot ma... haha
[de pianist]
How cold? Kakakaka... infra red? Can tell me?
com ah? errrr.... think now....
[nonnie king]
Why everyone said cold or frozen one? I dun get it.
Good... laugh is a good medicine
Speechless leh?
[fl sam]
Oh... hahaha, now I get it. Thanks!
Hahahahaha....that's the good one. Humour aside, I can sense that India is better than China, since India produce more quality knowledge workers. In fact, if India + Pakistan + Bangladesh still a united country, it will overtake China as the world's most populous country
kenny... apalah lu! =_=
lolz...how cold ar..snowing lo.hahaha..it's nearly the same as dotcom joke,like..
who invented the infrared?
because of the red dot on their heads.
same cold as the dotcom kan?hahaha..
p.s : i also heard about the bluetooth..but i kinda forgot how the joke goes liao.haha..
p.p.s : no offence to the indians out there,sorry if i offend anyone..=)
[zen master]
U got your point... I think so too.
Ini la saya... LOL
[de pianist]
Oic... It's new to me.
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