Last weekend, my friend went to 7-11 bought something, suddenly he saw something funny and he bought it straight away. After that he showed me, it's a SPEARM!!! How come 7-11 also got sell Spearm and it only cost RM 0.90.
Is that the pronunciation of Sperm same as Spearm? At first we thought it means Sperm because it really sound like Sperm. Then I only realised Sperm is without 'A' as we saw Spearm. If Sperm only cost RM 0.90 that mean we guys are no value anymore... LOL
Here is the picture of SPEARM...
You are farnie lah. Cheer up Monday will be over before you know it.
7 early 8 early blog about sper... i mean spearm... monday blues must be really getting to you :P
Somemore it's Wrigley Spearm ...
Ya, memang laaaame mya joke lahhh :P
You can get anything at 7-11 these days!
Aiyo!!! hhahah
But y would you wana buy sperm neways? Hmmmm >.< =P
Yeah, 90cts summore can chew on it for hours.... lol
shiat....kena again
not enough sperm wanna buy issit? Haha..go sperm bank lar bro =)
haha... thanks.
LOL... me everyday also blues la.
[moz monster]
yeah... branded punya spearm somemore... LOL
hehe... tenkiu
tenkiu bely much... :P
yeah... macam-macam ada...
not i bought it la... my friend la... kekeke
u wanna chew ah? *run fast fast away*
LOL... u thought is real sperm ah?
[ang gu gu]
nolah... that 1 different ma.
This kind of spearm is at least clean and infection-free.
This is a mint flavour of "SPEaRM"
cheh! I thought what product pulak.. :P
you're making me feeling cold..lolz..
i wonder wrigley would create what product next..or any new flavour for that "spearm"?hehehe
that mean we human one not clean? LOL
fuah... u tried b4 ah? How was it? :P
u thought wat? dirty la u... :P
[de pianist]
wakaka... i also dunno wat next, let's wait n see la.
I want to offer to sell my spearm too...LOL!
die lah u... u went 7-11 ask for it? the sales gals din ran away ah? LOL
go sperm bank donate la... earn more than RM 0.90.... kekeke
[simple american]
u dun take gums?
hahhaaa... interesting!!!
Not the "store-bought" ones. ;-)
So.... this is the edible spearm..
so sticky..
so chewy.. :P
HahahahahahahaaA!!!!! XD Let me go retrieve my brain from the gutter, I'm sure it's some where in there!
haha... thanks
oh... LOL
so... that mean u like it? LOL
then fast fast retrieve ur brain now... LOL
wat? eat alredi become horni issit? what happen to the xmas 26 blogger gathering?
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